An immersive multilingual education

Language immersion, such as inspired by the Canadian model run for over 80 years now, consists in discovering, understanding, then progressively practising the languages in a context of real use.

Throughout the whole primary levels, some subjects are alternately taught in French, German or English for a full year at a stretch. This allows for a vocabulary shift from one language to the other, makes translations superfluous and minimises the learning by heart of exhaustive vocabulary lists that prove useless out of real context.

In the beginning, all the playful and creative activities are practised by immersion, associating playing, pleasure to learn and discovery. At a later stage, all the subjects are alternately taught in the three languages for a full year at a stretch.

The Canadian model that inspires ours has been applied successfully as well as widely recognised for over 80 years.

At SAINT-EXUPERY SCHOOL, we apply three types of language immersion:

1) Early immersion (age 4 to 8): understanding and discovering by playing

2) Average immersion (age 8 to 12): learning by practising 

3) Late immersion (age 12+): learning by practising naturally

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